In order to manage your pond by working in harmony with nature, we visit and maintain your water seasonally.  Every visit has different requirements, though the basics of filtration cleaning and silt removal are a standard at every visit.


Although the thought of working in the depth of winter may not be what you expect from a pond company, in fact, working below 10°c, when the fish are dormant, is the ideal time to undertake a fresh start, Your plant life will be at its most inert too, so emptying the pond at this time causes the least disturbance.

If you are a new client, you may find that if we assess your pond for a fresh start and deem it non urgent, we may recommend leaving this until winter.  Our technicians will discuss this with you,


As your pond springs into life, all winter debris will need removing to allow your filtration system to work at it's optimum.  Plants that have been left over the winter to provide precious habitats can be cut back ready for the flushes of spring.

Spring maintence is crucial in preparing your pond for it's upcoming year.  Spring is also the time when your fish will be most likely to spawn or frogspawn may be appearing.  Our team use aquatic safe equipment being mindful of the needs of the nature residing in your pond and garden.


Lazy summer days, a gentle breeze and the hypnotic sound of bees buzzing and the birds contently chirping.  Dragonflies flitting serenely on your pond while you sit and soak it all in.

You need your pond to look at its best as this is most likely the time you shall be sitting by and appreciating it.  This is also a crucial time for our visits as that summer sun doesn't just make us bloom, blanket weed can also thrive in these hot conditions. 

Your summer visit is the ideal time for us to introduce planting swathes to your pond using a natural approach for creation of the perfect eco system.  Ponds are cleaned following nature's excesses in spring and we monitor delicate levels and add benefical minerals and bacteria.  


Beautiful autumn, leaves turning red and  golden, harvests bountiful and evenings filled  with the fresh, crisp air of seasonal change.

Your pond may look spectacular, but all that leaf matter will eventually rot down and create a sludge in the base of your pond.  This can cause a build up of harmful gases if not extracted.  Fallen leaves and twigs can block up your filter, resulting in poor performance.

Maintenance at this time of year helps to remedy these issues.  Pond plants are beginning to go to sleep for winter and our team can help prepare them for their hibernation. We always work mindfully of wildlife that uses these habitats for their winter home and cutting back will reflect this.